Friday, May 3, 2013

Poetry Month: Day Three (by Stella)

I chose "Here Comes" because I thought it would be a good poem for Spring and Summer. I also choose it because it doesn't talk just about summer it talks about what happens in summer.

Here Comes
Here comes summer,
Here comes summer,
Chirping robins,
budding roses.
Here comes summer,
Here comes summer,
Gental showers,
summer clothes.
Here comes summer,
Here comes summer,
Whoosh-shiver- there it goes.
-by Shel Silverstein


  1. Stella,

    The poem you chose makes me excited for the beautiful weather we have this weekend. Summer is just around the corner!

    Your teacher,

  2. Dalia Julia's momMay 13, 2013 at 1:44 PM

    Sounds so cheerful all of us is looking forward for summer fun. Dalia (Julia's mom)

  3. It sounds really happy and jumpy

  4. It sounds really jumpy and happy


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