Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Marble Champ

As you're reading "The Marble Champ" by Gary Soto, study the moves Gary Soto is making. What does he do as a writer that makes his piece so strong? Leave your ideas in the margins.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

FGA News Launch (Student Entry)

The fourth graders are having an election, and we've created a news program to follow it! We're called FGA (Fourth Grade Adventurers) News, but it's still in development. The election is on November 5th and only fourth graders can vote (The fifth graders also have an election, but we're not covering that). Well, that's all for now, but remember: This is Fourth Grade Adventurers: Where the adventure begins!

Here's our network's official logo!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I just discovered a whole stack of POWs and WWPs, so the POW/WWP sheet might not have made it to you. If it didn't and you want to get started tonight, here are the two problems:

Problem of the Week: 

Weekly Word Problem

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sample Weekly Word Problem

Last week we solved our first Weekly Word Problem for homework. There will be a WWP almost every week from now on. Here's a sample of how to solve the WWP. All six steps should be completed and clearly labeled. If you have any questions, email Katie or post them in the comments!

Creating Campaign Posters About Our Values

Last Friday, we were delighted to welcome so many families into our classroom for our first Family Friday! As part of our election study, we looked at campaign posters from past presidential campaigns and the ways those posters showed what candidates valued. Then, we selected the values that were most important to us. We created posters showcasing those values, which we revealed through the symbols, colors and slogans we put on our posters.

Here are some of our finished posters! If your poster is not here, it might be because it has your last name on the front of it! We're not posting last names on our blog! To see any poster larger, just click on it!